September 1st I started a new job, still working for Chevron in Midland, but in a new position and building. I am so happy with the change and am loving my new position. Aaron is still working at Great White Directional and doing a wonderful job.
September 10, 2010 our sweet friends Nick and Erin Williams had their son, (and my future son in law) Jackson Ray Williams. From the minute we found out Nick and Erin were having a boy we have been planning the beautiful wedding that will be taking place in 25ish years. It has been so fun watching Jackson grow!! I still have trouble remembering that Lena was ever that small, and actually... she was smaller!

The 3rd week of September we had a special visitor, my oldest brother Joey. This was the second year that Joey came to visit for almost a whole week and went dove hunting with Aaron every night. The boys have such a good time doing this every year and I love getting to see my brother for a week. Joey lives in Houston and works all the time, so i dont get too many chances to spend time with him like I wish I could. Lena loved getting to see her uncle (and godfather)for a few days. We even went to the Midland High football game for about 5 minutes until it started raining.

September 22nd was my birthday and the boys were hunting so we went to a nice dinner that Friday before the football game with Joey, John, Terri,and Thayne. It was so nice spending my birthday with 2 of my brothers. So, I figured that my birthday was finished. However, I was wrong. Little did I know that my goofy husband and sweet bestfriend were planning a surprise party for me! Saturday morning Aaron kept trying to get me out of the house to go shopping with Ember. But, Lena wasnt feeling very good, and Joey was leaving that evening so I didnt want to leave. Well, I couldnt figure out why no one wanted to spend time with me so I reluctantly went out. While I was out I got a second wind and was having such a nice time shopping with Ember. So, needless to say I was extremely surprised when I asked if we could go to Target and she kind of huffed and puffed at me and said well I guess.(now, you might not know Ember, but... the girl loves her some Target!) I just figured it was not my day and that maybe I smelled since no one wanted to be around me. So I told Ember to not worry about it, that she could just take me home. Well we pulled up to my house and Ember started to get out. I (somewhat bitchly.. is that a word?) told her that she did not need to come in since she had other things to do. She said no that she wanted to come see Lena Bug. Well... we walked in and to my surprise all of my closest friends were there! (Even sweet baby 15 day old Jackson was there... and his wonderful parents) I felt so special but quickly realized that I HATE being the center of attention. I am much happier throwing parties for other people and letting them have the spot light. However, it was such a wonderful afternoon and I loved getting to spend time with all of my friends.
OH! Also, In September I started a workout program here in town. It's called Midland Bootcamp and it has been WONDERFUL! I am honestly addicted. I have loved every single session (well maybe not while we are working out, but I love the feeling after). If anyone in town wants to check it out go to Pam and Kristi (the trainers) are fabulous!
Well that pretty much sums up our September. Our little lady is still growing like a weed! She is so much fun and shows us more of her precious personality every single day.