So let me go ahead and give you a run down on what has happened since I last posted. Lets just go month by month....
-I had my last day of work at Chevron.
-My mom, Lena, and I went to Dallas and Norman, OK with my brother Jimmy to get his apartment packed up and find him a new place to live.
-We moved out of our house and after much stress and pushing it back 5 days we finally closed on the house in Midland.
-Lena and I finally moved to San Antonio with Aaron.
-My mom went from packing Jimmy, to helping pack us, to heading right back to Houston to start packing their house for their big move to Pittsburgh, PA. (she is super woman)
-June 1st we closed on our house in San Antonio. Thankfully, after what a fiasco the sale of our house was this one went wonderfully. Only a couple minor problems and everything was ironed out quickly. We love our new home. Now that we have been here a few months I'm finally ready to start really decorating though. I'm tired of it looking like we just moved in.
-June 16th we bought a new car!! Now, I have a great little car that my parents bought me my freshman year of college. It was a wonderful car and got me everywhere we needed to go. However, with our growing family we were in need of something bigger so we could actually fit two car seats in the back seat. We chose a Nissan Armada and have been SO happy with it. I was terrified to buy a new car. Aaron actually kind of tricked me into it. He told me since he had a Friday off that we were just going to go over and look so when we were ready we would know exaclty what we wanted. Well, 6 hours later we left with a new car!
- Aaron's brother Cash and his girlfriend Avery (who I might add, met him via THIS blog) came and visited us for the 4th. We had a wonderful and very relaxing weekend with them. We even took the Arkansan (Avery) to the Alamo to see some Texas history.
- My sweet friend Ember got married!!! I had the great honor of being her Matron of Honor for this exciting event in her life. Her wedding was absolutley gorgeous and the whole weekend was wonderful. She was a stunning bride. Hector is one lucky man!
- HOLY COW... how did August get here so quick?
- We worked extremely hard and quick to get Toby Joy's room ready to go. This was a task since when the movers moved us in we more or less just stuck baby stuff wherever there was room so we could concentrate on getting the main living areas and bedrooms set up first. Luckily my mother in law came in town for a weekend and we were able to wash probably 7 loads of baby clothes and organize the room enough to make room for our new little one.
-August 19th at 8:09 a.m. our precious little angel joined our family. I'll write a seperate post about Toby's birthday. But it was wonderful and we are so happy that she is here with us.
-My mom came out the day before and was able to stay with us for 3 weeks to help us out and get us situated. It was an extremely hard day when she went back to Pennsylvania. We all miss her terribly.
-We have had lots of firsts the past month. First road trips for Toby to Midland and Dallas. My first birthday as a mother of not just 1 but 2 gorgeous girls. Our first trip to the zoo. It was a great month and I have no idea where it went?
So here we are in October. Enjoying the (somewhat) cooler weather and lots of college football. If only my Aggies could figure out how to play 2 halves instead of just 1. Oh well, we'll figure it out. So now we are up to date... lets see if I can keep it that way!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Pullin Family Update
Okay, lets see where to start.
March 28th Lena and I went with my parents to California for 2 weeks to celebrate my Grandpa's 80th Birthday. I said a prayer before we left that the house would just SELL before we got back. With 2 weeks of not having to worrying about cleaning and scheduling showings I just knew that this would be the time for it to sell. We had the most amazing/relaxing/fabulous/out of this world 2 weeks in California with my entire family (except for my cousin Megan who is currently in Japan playing professional softball, shes a stud!) Here are a few pictures from our time in California.
Well, we flew back to Houston on April 7th and still hadn't received any offers on the house. I was starting to get very depressed and anxious that I would be living in this house trying to work, keep the house clean for showings, and take care of Lena all alone while Aaron was all alone living in a sad little apartment in San Antonio. Well, that night we got an email from our realtor that we had a verbal offer. We spent the next couple days negotiating. We finally came to an agreement, but everything was done verbally. We would have to wait to see if they actually put the offer in writing.
Saturday Aaron drove Lena and I back to Midland. We walked into the house to the most wonderful surprise from our realtor. A large envelope with a note saying that included in the envelope was the contract ready for us to sign! We were so beyond thrilled. I cannot put the feeling into words honestly. Knowing that we would not have to live apart for a long time lifted such a weight off my shoulders.
So, on to the next exciting news... WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE!! We spent a couple days looking at houses in San Antonio and finally decided on one. After a little negotiating back and forth, we came to an agreement and went under contract this morning. We haven't had the inspection done yet, so it could still fall through but as of right now we are under contract!
So, here is the schedule as of right now.
May 20th - Close on house in Midland (movers pack up our house)
May 21st - Move to San Antonio and live in the company's apartment
June 1st- Close on house in San Antonio
June 2nd - Movers show up with our stuff!!!!
We just want to thank everyone that has supported us and prayed for us during this crazy time in our life. We are so excited about all the new opportunities we are going to have. Now, hopefully we can finally calm down a little and start preparing for the arrival of our new little one in August.
Oh yeah! the rest of the Schlaffer family is doing well with their moves also. My parents are leaving Sunday for Pittsburgh to go look at houses and are hoping to move into their new home the first week of June also. Jimmy has decided to go to OU for his Doctorate in Economics (he is seriously one of the smartest people, if not the smartest person I have ever met). Mom and I are going to Norman with him in a couple weeks to hopefully find him an apartment and then spend a couple days at his apartment in Dallas packing him up. We are so excited about all the changes that are happening right now.
March 28th Lena and I went with my parents to California for 2 weeks to celebrate my Grandpa's 80th Birthday. I said a prayer before we left that the house would just SELL before we got back. With 2 weeks of not having to worrying about cleaning and scheduling showings I just knew that this would be the time for it to sell. We had the most amazing/relaxing/fabulous/out of this world 2 weeks in California with my entire family (except for my cousin Megan who is currently in Japan playing professional softball, shes a stud!) Here are a few pictures from our time in California.
The whole Langenfeld klan!
The whole family singing to Grandpa
Mom and Dad at the Mission
Lena and her sweet Daddy
Mom and Dad with Aunt Mary and Uncle Jim.
(Dad's sister)
The Schlaffer side of the family
Well, we flew back to Houston on April 7th and still hadn't received any offers on the house. I was starting to get very depressed and anxious that I would be living in this house trying to work, keep the house clean for showings, and take care of Lena all alone while Aaron was all alone living in a sad little apartment in San Antonio. Well, that night we got an email from our realtor that we had a verbal offer. We spent the next couple days negotiating. We finally came to an agreement, but everything was done verbally. We would have to wait to see if they actually put the offer in writing.
Saturday Aaron drove Lena and I back to Midland. We walked into the house to the most wonderful surprise from our realtor. A large envelope with a note saying that included in the envelope was the contract ready for us to sign! We were so beyond thrilled. I cannot put the feeling into words honestly. Knowing that we would not have to live apart for a long time lifted such a weight off my shoulders.
So, on to the next exciting news... WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE!! We spent a couple days looking at houses in San Antonio and finally decided on one. After a little negotiating back and forth, we came to an agreement and went under contract this morning. We haven't had the inspection done yet, so it could still fall through but as of right now we are under contract!
So, here is the schedule as of right now.
May 20th - Close on house in Midland (movers pack up our house)
May 21st - Move to San Antonio and live in the company's apartment
June 1st- Close on house in San Antonio
June 2nd - Movers show up with our stuff!!!!
We just want to thank everyone that has supported us and prayed for us during this crazy time in our life. We are so excited about all the new opportunities we are going to have. Now, hopefully we can finally calm down a little and start preparing for the arrival of our new little one in August.
Oh yeah! the rest of the Schlaffer family is doing well with their moves also. My parents are leaving Sunday for Pittsburgh to go look at houses and are hoping to move into their new home the first week of June also. Jimmy has decided to go to OU for his Doctorate in Economics (he is seriously one of the smartest people, if not the smartest person I have ever met). Mom and I are going to Norman with him in a couple weeks to hopefully find him an apartment and then spend a couple days at his apartment in Dallas packing him up. We are so excited about all the changes that are happening right now.
She thinks shes pretty cool since shes moving to San Antonio and is going to be a Big Sister!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Ch Ch Ch Changes!
Well there has been a lot happening in the Pullin household the past few months. Aaron and I have been joking lately that we cant do anything small scale. If we are going to have a major life change we are going to do it right and have a MAJOR LIFE CHANGE!
In January we found out much to our surprise that we are expecting again! Now this was a wonderful surprise, but still... a surprise. We were not trying to get pregnant (yes, we do know how it happens though, as many people have asked if we needed a refresher since we seemed so shocked). It took us both a little while to come to terms with the fact that we are going to have 2 children 18 months apart. That means 2 kids under 2 for almost 6 months. Talk about wild. Luckily, my mom is always my voice of reason and she told me not to worry. My two oldest brothers are 18 months apart and she said it was the best time she has ever had in her entire life. Now I'm not sure if it is the best time only in retrospect or if she would have said that 30 years ago. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Although, I was extremely excited after the initial shock wore off, I was also terrified. I did not know how we were going to handle day care costs for 2 kids. I also hate the fact that I'm not able to stay home and raise my babies, something I have always wanted to do.
Then, in early February Aaron got a call from his old company that he worked for a couple years ago. They asked if he would be willing to move to San Antonio and come back to work for them. He said he would need to talk about it with me but that he thought this was something we might be interested in. After a lot of discussion and a lot of prayer, he called them back and said that depending on what the offer was he would be interested. Well, does God listen or what. They made him such a wonderful offer, that I will not have to work anymore!!! I could not believe it. All of that worrying and stressing was gone in an instant. I was going to be the stay at home wife and mom that I have always dreamed of being.
So, we quickly put our house on the market and started trying to make plans for moving to San Antonio. The house is still currently on the market and we are patiently waiting an offer. We are praying that it comes quickly as Aaron's last day as a Midlander will be March 20th. He starts work March 21st in San Antonio.
Many people have mentioned to me how wonderful this must be for my parents since they are in Houston and instead of being 8 hours away we will be a mere 3 hours from them. Not So fast there. A week ago Dad found out that they will be moving from Houston to Pittsburgh, PA for his job with Chevron. Yes, you read that right. They are going from 3 hours from us, to 24 HOURS (drive time of course) from us. Can you believe it? I do have to say, I am extremely excited for them. They will be able to buy a house very close to the office (in either Moon Town Ship or Corapolis, PA) and he will not have to get up at 3:30 in the morning any more to make it to work by 6:00. He will not have to spend hours on a bus every day going in and out of downtown, and he will hopefully be able to spend much more time with my Mom. They will also only be about 6 hours from South Bend, Indiana, which means we might have to get Dad some tickets to a Notre Dame football game (his dream). This will be a big change for all of us to not have Mom and Dad within a distance that they can come at the drop of a hat for anything we need, but it will only be temporary (probably about 5 years) and then we will be back together in Texas again. I only hope that I can learn something from how my mom is handling this transition and how she has handled every other move that they have had to make due to Dad working in the oil business. She is such a wonderful example of a supportive loving wife. I only hope that I can be the same for my sweet husband who is making such a sacrifice so that our family can do the things that we would like to do.
Lena is doing wonderful. She is now 13 months old. I cant believe it. She is walking/running everywhere and is constantly busy. She sure does keep us on our toes. She is talking up a storm and tries to repeat everything we say. Its such a joy every morning when she wakes up to hear her call for her "Da Da" or "Ma Ma". I cant even remember what our life was like before we had this sweet angel in it. Its hard to believe that in 5 more months there will be another one living in our house. They are taking over!

Well that's all for now. Once we get a better idea of when Lena and I will be moving down to San Antonio I will let everyone know. For now Aaron will be down there working and Lena and I will stay behind and try to sell this house! :)
In January we found out much to our surprise that we are expecting again! Now this was a wonderful surprise, but still... a surprise. We were not trying to get pregnant (yes, we do know how it happens though, as many people have asked if we needed a refresher since we seemed so shocked). It took us both a little while to come to terms with the fact that we are going to have 2 children 18 months apart. That means 2 kids under 2 for almost 6 months. Talk about wild. Luckily, my mom is always my voice of reason and she told me not to worry. My two oldest brothers are 18 months apart and she said it was the best time she has ever had in her entire life. Now I'm not sure if it is the best time only in retrospect or if she would have said that 30 years ago. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Although, I was extremely excited after the initial shock wore off, I was also terrified. I did not know how we were going to handle day care costs for 2 kids. I also hate the fact that I'm not able to stay home and raise my babies, something I have always wanted to do.
Then, in early February Aaron got a call from his old company that he worked for a couple years ago. They asked if he would be willing to move to San Antonio and come back to work for them. He said he would need to talk about it with me but that he thought this was something we might be interested in. After a lot of discussion and a lot of prayer, he called them back and said that depending on what the offer was he would be interested. Well, does God listen or what. They made him such a wonderful offer, that I will not have to work anymore!!! I could not believe it. All of that worrying and stressing was gone in an instant. I was going to be the stay at home wife and mom that I have always dreamed of being.
So, we quickly put our house on the market and started trying to make plans for moving to San Antonio. The house is still currently on the market and we are patiently waiting an offer. We are praying that it comes quickly as Aaron's last day as a Midlander will be March 20th. He starts work March 21st in San Antonio.
Many people have mentioned to me how wonderful this must be for my parents since they are in Houston and instead of being 8 hours away we will be a mere 3 hours from them. Not So fast there. A week ago Dad found out that they will be moving from Houston to Pittsburgh, PA for his job with Chevron. Yes, you read that right. They are going from 3 hours from us, to 24 HOURS (drive time of course) from us. Can you believe it? I do have to say, I am extremely excited for them. They will be able to buy a house very close to the office (in either Moon Town Ship or Corapolis, PA) and he will not have to get up at 3:30 in the morning any more to make it to work by 6:00. He will not have to spend hours on a bus every day going in and out of downtown, and he will hopefully be able to spend much more time with my Mom. They will also only be about 6 hours from South Bend, Indiana, which means we might have to get Dad some tickets to a Notre Dame football game (his dream). This will be a big change for all of us to not have Mom and Dad within a distance that they can come at the drop of a hat for anything we need, but it will only be temporary (probably about 5 years) and then we will be back together in Texas again. I only hope that I can learn something from how my mom is handling this transition and how she has handled every other move that they have had to make due to Dad working in the oil business. She is such a wonderful example of a supportive loving wife. I only hope that I can be the same for my sweet husband who is making such a sacrifice so that our family can do the things that we would like to do.
Lena is doing wonderful. She is now 13 months old. I cant believe it. She is walking/running everywhere and is constantly busy. She sure does keep us on our toes. She is talking up a storm and tries to repeat everything we say. Its such a joy every morning when she wakes up to hear her call for her "Da Da" or "Ma Ma". I cant even remember what our life was like before we had this sweet angel in it. Its hard to believe that in 5 more months there will be another one living in our house. They are taking over!

Well that's all for now. Once we get a better idea of when Lena and I will be moving down to San Antonio I will let everyone know. For now Aaron will be down there working and Lena and I will stay behind and try to sell this house! :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
My Brother In Law, Cash
So, I've been reading Kelly's blog for quite some time. When I saw that she was doing the "Show us your life: Single Friends" again, I had to do it. So... here it goes!
Meet my brother in law, Cash!

Cash is a 25 year old geologist from Midland, Texas. He attended the University of Texas at Arlingtonwhere he majored in Geology. After he graduated in December of 2007, he moved back to Midland,where he graduated high school, and started working for Clayton Williams Energy.
Cash is a GREAT catch, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my brother in law. He is extremely mature, respectful, responsible, funny, athletic, and caring. He is an all around family person. (I also want to add that he is the best uncle ever! He does such a good job with Lena!)
When he’s not working, or fixing up his house (that he bought when he was only 23) he is usually outside. He loves all things outdoors. He has played rugby for 7 years, and has recently started running and bicycling. He ran 2 half marathons last year and is set to run another in the next month. He also loves to hunt, fish, and camp. He is truly a “manly man”. He is also a strong Christian. He has attended church with his family his whole life. Cash is very open to many different types of girls of all different ages and in all different locations. He might only be 25 but he is not scared of settling down. He would love to meet a sweet girl with similar interests that he can spend time with.

If anyone is interested in meeting Cash, write me a comment and I will take care of getting you guys set
up one way or another.
Meet my brother in law, Cash!

Cash is a 25 year old geologist from Midland, Texas. He attended the University of Texas at Arlingtonwhere he majored in Geology. After he graduated in December of 2007, he moved back to Midland,where he graduated high school, and started working for Clayton Williams Energy.
Cash is a GREAT catch, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my brother in law. He is extremely mature, respectful, responsible, funny, athletic, and caring. He is an all around family person. (I also want to add that he is the best uncle ever! He does such a good job with Lena!)
When he’s not working, or fixing up his house (that he bought when he was only 23) he is usually outside. He loves all things outdoors. He has played rugby for 7 years, and has recently started running and bicycling. He ran 2 half marathons last year and is set to run another in the next month. He also loves to hunt, fish, and camp. He is truly a “manly man”. He is also a strong Christian. He has attended church with his family his whole life. Cash is very open to many different types of girls of all different ages and in all different locations. He might only be 25 but he is not scared of settling down. He would love to meet a sweet girl with similar interests that he can spend time with.

If anyone is interested in meeting Cash, write me a comment and I will take care of getting you guys set
up one way or another.
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