I am the youngest of 4 children, I have 3 older brothers (Joey, John and Jimmy). My parents both grew up in Central California (Lompoc to be exact, look it up... its paradise!). I was born in Valencia, California. When I was 3 we moved to Midland, Texas, where we stayed until I graduated from High School. All in one week my parents packed me up to move to College Station to attend Texas A&M University and then packed everything they owned up and moved to Houston. **This was almost my worst fear coming true actually. When I was in 5th or 6th grade I went to basketball camp in Lubbock. Before I left I asked my Dad what they were going to do while I was going. Thinking he would answer that they would all just sit and cry since I was gone, I was quite shocked when he said that they would be extremely busy trying to move away before I got back. **

Aaron is the oldest of of 2 children. His brother Cash is 4 years younger than him. He was born in Beeville Texas and then moved to Farmington, New Mexico when he was 6 or 7. In January of 1997 he too made the exciting move to Midland, Texas.

I dont honestly remember the first time I met Aaron. My older brother John (the second oldest) was the same age as Aaron and played baseball at MHS. They met the first day of baseball class when Aaron started school. I remember John coming home and telling my mom that there was a new kid in baseball from Farmington. I also remember my mom telling John that he BETTER be nice to this new kid, because it would be hard moving at that age. Luckily, John listened to Mom, and he welcomed Aaron into their group of friends. From then on I always remember Aaron being around. I remember ALWAYS having a crush on him. Sadly, he did not have a crush on me (I was 10).
Aaron graduated from Midland High in 1999 and went to University of Texas at Arlington (otherwise known to us as "UT almost") to play baseball. He finished at UTA in 2003 and signed as a free agent with the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. So he was off playing baseball in exciting towns such as Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Provo, Utah! I graduated from Midland High in 2004 and went to Texas A&M University.
While Aaron was off playing baseball and I was finishing high school we saw each other a couple times when he was in town for holidays. Each time I remember thinking how cute he was, but thought there was no way he would ever be interested in me. Well, super long story (and many phone calls and instant messenger conversations later) I came to find out that Mr.Pullin was in fact interested! So, February of 2005 I made my way to Arlington where Aaron was living and working in the offseason. Lucky for Aaron I did not let that weekend keep me from sticking around. See, the Sunday I was supposed to return to College Station was Super Bowl Sunday. Since I did not know this I scheduled my flight for around 6:00 that evening. Well, Aaron had plans. The fact that the soon to be love of his life was in town did nothing to stop him from keeping those plans either. He took me to the airport 5 HOURS early for my flight. YES 5 HOURS! Needless to say, he's lucky I was already in love.

From that point on we have been pretty much inseperable. We have made it through ups and downs and have enjoyed not every minute of it, but MOST minutes of it! So there you have it... thats how we came to be. I'll have to save the rest for another time because I'm sure everyone is asleep by now.
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