February 3, 2010 was a day that changed my life forever. But, lets go back a few days before that. Throughout my pregnancy I struggled with high blood pressure. Actually, my blood pressure raising was the first sign that I was pregnant, although we just thought that I was suffering from chronic high blood pressure as it runs heavily in my family. To our surprise, we were pregnant!
January 27th, 2010 I left work early to go to a doctors appointment. While at the doctor my blood pressure was running around 200/110. Yup, not good. I was immediately sent to the hospital and put on bed rest. I was told at that point that if my BP did not go down, I would have an emergency c-section that evening. I started crying instantly and having a near panic attack because in my mind, I was no where near ready, I was not due until February 24th! We got in the car to drive to the hospital and called my parents. Through heavy sobs I explained to my mom what was going on and that I needed her to come. It amazed me that even as a 24 year old about to become a mommy myself, all I wanted at that point was my mommy. Luckily, once I was in the hospital and had calmed down from the initial shock (and had tons of drugs pumped into me) my BP went down to a manageable level. I called my parents to let them know they could wait until the morning to come.
I spent 2 sleepless nights in the hospital, (not sure who's idea it was to have the doors to the rooms made of glass, they stay bright as day all dang night) and was sent home on Friday with strict instructions to stay on bed rest, only getting up to potty and take quick showers. I was told to come back on Wednesday, February 3rd, for a scheduled c-section. Now, I don't know how in the world I was supposed to stay laying down being 8 1/2 months pregnant and nesting like a crazy woman, but some how my parents managed to keep me laying down (for the most part). Over the next few days my parents and Aaron's parents were in a state of constant motion. They did not stop all day trying to help get everything ready for us to welcome our little girl into the world. Not to air my dirty laundry (literally, hehe) but I had fallen quite behind on laundry and with our clothes and new baby clothes I believe my mom did somewhere around 15 loads of laundry that week (not exaggerating).
**Note to all the pregnant ladies: When you are a million months pregnant, it is NOT a good idea to tear up all of the carpet in your house and lay all new baseboards, and carpet! In my mind that was the perfect time because everything would be fresh for the baby, however, it is horrible timing! I do have to say, it looks amazing though. I also have to thank my brother and sister in law (John and Terri), my parents, and Aaron's parents for all of their help getting rid of the old and getting everything new put down. We did not realize what a big task we had taken on and were so lucky to have all of their help and support.
Now, where was I. Oh yeah, bed rest! So, there was actually a baby shower scheduled for me that weekend. Aaron being the wonderful husband that he is went in my place, pink button down shirt and all! Not only did he have cake and punch and open presents, he also played games that involved tasting baby food and measuring his belly (with a pillow stuffed under his shirt). He will say that he just did it for me, but we all know he loved every minute of it.
February 3rd, I woke up and took a shower and was trying to psych myself up to go to the hospital and have my stomach cut open and have baby. A lot scarier that I thought it would be. Luckily there had been a cancellation so my doctor called me about and hour and a half before I was even supposed to get to the hospital and told me to come right away and he would get me in quick. I blow dried my hair and we were off! Within about 30 minutes I had gone through tons of paperwork, gotten my IV, my epidural (eek), and was in the operating room ready to meet my girl. They only left me alone for about 10 minutes where I tried with great persistence to get Aaron to just take me home. I begged and begged and begged him to please just take me home because I was so scared. He didn't listen, jerk!
At 11:00 they started the surgery and at 11:15 I heard the most amazing noise I have ever heard in my entire life. My baby girl, Helena Hope Pullin was here! She was 6 pounds 4 ounces and 18 inches long. From there everything gets extremely fuzzy. The anesthesiologist gave me "something to relax me" even though I asked him to please not because I don't do well with heavy pain medication (it makes me extremely sick). So, from 11:30 a.m. till about 2:00 a.m. I really don't remember a whole lot. I was in an out of it and don't really remember seeing Lena too much. But, I do remember that she was beautiful and perfect and I couldn't believe that she was actually mine.
I stayed in the hospital for 2 nights and Friday at noon we took our sweet baby home. Lena was a wonderful newborn. She slept great, ate great, loved her bath, and just snuggled and loved all the attention she got. Everyone kept telling me to enjoy every second that she was tiny because it goes by so fast and boy oh boy were they right. It went by way too fast. I wish I could do it all over again. So, that's the short (yup, that was short for me) story of how the Lena Bug got here. Trust me, you will be hearing PLENTY more! She is my favorite subject now a days.

At my baby shower January 16th, 2 weeks before delivery
At my baby shower January 16th, 2 weeks before delivery
That was such an amazing time! Lena was so tiny and adorable....it's been so fun watching her grow up and watching you and Aaron be amazing parents....
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
(I really think the whole labor process would have gone better if I had been there to sing this for you.
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